The two witnesses Revelation 11. is necessary because God called two witnesses? It is because of spiritual blindness? axa that God would send two prophets to the earth, if things were going well! need prophets? The Church today that axa OK?. The system is full of prophets! these prophets are umgido by GOD?
You pastor, DIS that the two witnesses of Revelation 11, is the Old and New Testaments, negating the need for protection of two anointed of God, I have to be hard? by what authority you speak these words?, you bought your eye drops?
You axa would deceive God's people for how long? It Erse, and the other reason that God has prepared two prophets, dressed in jacket and tie? no! yes, they wear: dresses cloth bag, prepare the second coming of the Lord warns all Umana with signs and wonders, and I wonder watching read about the mistake, and succeed, then give then the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled during the great tribulation, because the system name dexol the minds of the people of God, confused, each telling a different conversation, because you're away from the path, then the prophecy says that should be tested in great tribulation). May the peace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our deliverer with PEOPLE.
You pastor, DIS that the two witnesses of Revelation 11, is the Old and New Testaments, negating the need for protection of two anointed of God, I have to be hard? by what authority you speak these words?, you bought your eye drops?
You axa would deceive God's people for how long? It Erse, and the other reason that God has prepared two prophets, dressed in jacket and tie? no! yes, they wear: dresses cloth bag, prepare the second coming of the Lord warns all Umana with signs and wonders, and I wonder watching read about the mistake, and succeed, then give then the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled during the great tribulation, because the system name dexol the minds of the people of God, confused, each telling a different conversation, because you're away from the path, then the prophecy says that should be tested in great tribulation). May the peace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our deliverer with PEOPLE.
Hosea 3:
4. For many days, the children of Israel will be without a king and without head, without sacrifice or monument, and without ephod teraphim.
5. After that the children of Israel will return to seek the Lord their God and David their king, and in recent days, shaking it aproximarção the Lord and his goodness.
(Revelation 3 - v 10)
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that is to befall the world, to prove the earth's inhabitants.) Gora see the situation of the Church, today. last period of the Church on earth. (Revelation 3: 14.) to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: Thus saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.
15. I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot!
16. But because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I spit te.17. For you say I am rich, I do good business, no need - and knowest not that thou art wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and nu.18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, to be rich, lily clothes for thy clothing, so that does not appear the shame of thy nakedness, and eye drops to anoint your eyes so that you can see claro.19 . I rebuke and chasten those I love. Cheers, because, your zeal and repent.
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