sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

The two witnesses Revelation 11

the two witnesses,
Jesus will return, When the Gentiles o'Tempo complete

Revelation 11 the two witnesses and the time of the Gentiles. The total time of the Gentiles after the Great Tribulation, when added 1260 days or 42 months, The Great Tribulation is just that: three and a half, or 42 months, 1260 days is the period that man of sin against Christ is acting with your regime before God. asseçoo Imagine that you just have to trade, is joining this scheme, will only buy food or turn on the water or your energy or put gas in your car ... now you have a pastor who lives with fresh water and related regalia Chad shadow shoe off. you pastors, will pass the test? the Apostles of Jesus Christ does not deny his name, Superior What is everyone and everything s in baptism, the bird for testing! and you? I learned that the great tribulation is a test to test all humanity peoples tribes and nations language, do you even know which side is that Jesus will not condemn you, will you stage your choices Proposal, salvation, damnation, and this trial is the time of the Gentiles. Matthew 24 v: 21 because then the tribulation will be so great to not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be.22. If those days were shortened, and NiGEM would be saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. What day? Now you know: 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months or 42 months, check to see: 23. So if someone says: here is the Christ! Or, lo there do not believe. See that this time Jesus warned.  Be happy for you, because God calls us to light and not darkness. the two witnesses of Revelation 11 will call the holy plague during the great tribulation when the man of sin against Christ begin to act. I'm not talking about the time of the Jews, why? already have: your time, forom elected by God, so expect the day of resurrection and fast. These revelations 
does not belong to the studies of men, philosophy, pedagogy and theology, nor a kind of religious Pitaco action.of  Qui is my testimony that these revelations are true fies to the end time. My name is José Vicente da Silva, 11/06/2011 Joao Pessoa, PB Brazil.

These prophecies revealed because the description of the system with all their theology and study: It is not possible to understand. (Rev. 03/19) As you say I am rich and full of knowledge, and no need of anything, and you know you're not reaping wretched, miserable, poor and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire to become rich, white robes to clothe you, so that does not manifest the shame of thy nakedness, and eye drops to anoint your eyes so you can see.) One comment on my part, deceit, adultery, trading, and lack of disclosure, really need eye drops. he showed me why it is necessary, the Great Tribulation? click Start to begin ...