domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

want to know where it came from-the trinity


The two witnesses to say that Trinity

I want to know what does the word trinity, you will know now what you mean Trinity, the language of God, and as she entered the Evangelical Churches. click on start to begin: Now!

domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011


478 years on October 31, 1519, Martin Luther nailed his famous theses (95 total) against the sale of indulgences nd door of the Castle Church in Witten berg, nd Germany, against the theological concerns, and especially the economy of the Catholic Church. The impact was so great that this data is celebrated Top of the Protestant Reformation.
Luther was not, as some think, the founder of a new religion, Protestantism. The Protestant Reformation, which was Driver, WAS beyond the National Liberation Movement, which resulted in the formation of national churches in 1563 a nd nn Years de1517. It was, without doubt, the great forerunner of religious freedom and who contributed the most current return hum par with the Scriptures of Christianity.

see how paganism entered the system name: Churches! Through Martin Luther! completely! The doctrine developed, the Trinity, for the Catholic spirit, which means: PAGAN! and His Name, His doctrine was to them, the Catholic catechism! View a revelation: the Spirit of prophecy: I know that the Bible was conpleta colocor Martin Luther paragraph three more books and do not put the name of Jesus Christ and the Catholic dogma that part Fasia same: no complaints. YOU KNOW, Matthew 28: 19 has no proof? Neither the text nor the context of Christianity! When I speak of Christianity and only after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Brother Foundation are all built on the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself the cornerstone of the corner). This dogma has led to the designation system of nominal total chaos becomes banal and now denies the faith and the commandments of Jesus Christ and necessaire, two witnesses: Revelation 1101. Now you will know what the word trinity! in the language of God:Languages ​​triple testimonies pagans! 02. wants to know the Bible of Martin Luther enemy completes three porpoises three more books! I get this vision in my face for us in my room 15/2 Graúda in the letter, that my testimony is true, does not belong to the study of man. revelations: 1998-1999, is only now being published. first one you see!03. you will know what the word means in the language of God's messiah: Messenger of Peace!04. you will know what to say, the Christ, in the language of God: LIBERATOR.Saturday July 23, 2011
You will now see more proof: this ruse that the Catholic Bible reveals clear mind Jude 1:! 4th. see more evidence of the Bible: For some ungodly men crept among us that are intended for a long time for this trial, they turn into solution the grace of our God and deny Jesus Christ our only Master and Senhor.Colossians 3: 17 . Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father).
Maitê no biblical evidence that caba maybe not on this page, and the work of a sister in the market: seek the testimony of Jeshua clist, the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Liberator, either with All 

Jesus comes first as a messenger of peace and salvation, and has its second coming as a deliverer of his people. You know it's a Simentera and will never suffer the pains of the earth, Jesus was not identified, said his death on the cross of Calvary Despite having been revealed by the Apostle Peter, the name of Christ before his death on the cross of Calvary Jesus and says, without notice was not flesh and blood revellor want, but my Father in heaven. pediuele and not tell anyone! Before his death and resurrection. Before it was called, but Jesus. The name of Jesus Christ, which means savior! Liberator! The words, savior and redeemer. very anointed forum, but only one became the Christ. In the past, everyone wants to have the holy spirit of God was called the Anointed One! Jesus also goes through this process, but after his death and resurrection, Jesus appears and says: I have all power in heaven and on earth. When Jesus became the Christ, the anointing now, ha! And they say anointed? because the system decreases the name name. , Only the name of Jesus? challenge for science and theology of the earth, and computers to demonstrate the opposite of all this revelatio
    in Portuguese, popular linguagens                                                                                                                                           
Há 478 anos, no dia 31 de outubro de 1519, Martinho Lutero fixou suas famosas teses (total de 95) contra a venda de indulgências, na porta da Igreja Católica do Castelo de Wittenberg, na Alemanha, contrariando os interesses teológicos e, principalmente, econômicos da Igreja Católica. O impacto foi tamanho, que se comemora nessa data o início da Reforma Protestante.
Lutero não foi, como alguns pensam, o fundador de uma nova religião, o protestantismo. A Reforma Protestante, da qual foi impulsionador, foi além do movimento da libertação nacional, que resultou na formação de igrejas nacionais entre os anos de1517 a 1563. Foi, sem dúvida, o grande precursor da liberdade religiosa atual e quem mais contribuiu para um retorno do cristianismo às Escrituras. 
MAS VEJA TAM BEM COMO ENTRO O PAGANISMO NAS IGREJAS EVANGÉLICA: ATRAVÉS DE  MARTINHO LUTERO! A doutrina trindade elaborada polo um espirito católico; que quer dizer: pagão! é seu nome; a doutrina quer estava em seus: cate-cismo católico! Veja a revelação: espirito da profecias: sei quer a Bíblia era completa Martinho Lutero boto 3 três livros a mais! O seja Martinho Lutero deixar de colocar, o nome Jesus Cristo, e colocou o dogma católico,  que o mesmo fásia parte: sem nenhuma reclamação. você sabe agora por-quer Mateus 28: 19 não tem testemunhos! nem texto, nem contexto, para o Cristianismo! Quando falo de cristianismo é logo apos a morte e ressurreição de Jesus cristo! todos irmão estão edificado sobre fundamento dos apóstolos e profetas e Cristo a principal: pedra de esquina!). Esse dogma católico levou as Igrejas ao caos total, se torno mundana, e hoje nega os mandamentos e a fé em Jesus:  poiso é necessaire as duas testemunhas de (Apocalipse 11: 3)  você vai ver agora, mais uma, prova: dessa falcatrua católica que a Bíblia revela clara mente!
Judas 1: 4. veja mais uma prova bíblica:  
Pois certos homens ímpios se introduziram furtivamente entre nós, os quais desde muito tempo estão destinados para este julgamento; eles transformam em dissolução a graça de nosso Deus e negam Jesus Cristo, nosso único Mestre e Senhor.
colossenses 3: 17.
Tudo quanto fizerdes, por palavra ou por ação, fazei-o em nome do Senhor Jesus, dando por ele graças a Deus Pai ). existe maitas provas bíblica  que tal vês não caba nesta pagina, e trabalho de alguns irmã, dê de cado: que procura da testemunho de Jesus cristo, que a paz do nosso senhor salvador e libertador Jesus cristo, esteja com o nosso povo!
 01. você vai saber agora o que quer dizer a palavra trindade na linguagem de DEUS: Linguagem Tríplice  de testemunhos pagão!
02. sei quer a Bíblia era completa Martinho Lutero boto 3 três livros a mais! essa visão que fico em  minha frente pelo us 15 segundo no meu quarto em letra graúda , a que meu testemunho quer é verdadeira e não pertenci a estudo de Homem. revelações: 1998 a 1999, só agora está sendo publicada. pela primeira vês!
03. você vai saber o que quer dizer a palavra messias na linguagem de DEUS:  Mensageiro da paz! 
04. você vai saber o que quer dizer a palavra Cristo, na linguagem de DEUS: LIBERTADOR! 
Click em início para começa!
Jesus vem a primeiros vês como mensageiro da paz e salvador, e, a segunda vinda vem como libertador do seu povo,Você vai ser libertado se for uma Cimente e nunca, mas você vai sofre as aflições da terra, Jesus só foi chamado de Cristo, depôs da sua morte na cruz do calvário, Apesar de ter sido revelado pelo Apóstolo Pedro o nome cristo, ante da sua morte na cruz do calvário, Jesus advertir e diz não foi carne nem sangue quer te revelou, foi meu pai do céu, e pediu que não contasse pra ninguém! Ante da sua morte e ressurreição. Antes era chamado, mas de Jesus. O nome Jesus cristo, que quer dizer: salvador! Libertador! O seja: salvador e libertador. muito foro ungido, mas só um se torno o cristo. No passado todos quer tinha o espírito santo de DEUS era chamado de ungido! Jesus também passa por este processo, mas depois da sua morte e ressurreição: Jesus aparece e diz: todo poder mim foi dado no céu e na terra. JESUS quando se torno o cristo, Ele passa a ser ha unção! E não ungido como diz o sistema denominação. Por quer o sistema denominação só quer diminuir Jesus?
Desafio toda ciência e teologia da terra, e computadores a provares o contrariam de todas essas revelações.

sábado, 23 de julho de 2011

01. you will know now what does the word trinity in the language of God: Language Tríplice  pagan testimonies!
02. want to know the Bible was complete Martin Luther porpoise 3 three more books! I get this vision in my face by us 15 seconds in my room in Graúda letter, that my testimony is true or not belonged to the study of Man. revelations: from 1998 to 1999, is only now being published. first you see!
03. you will know what the word means messiah in the language of God: Messenger of Peace!
04. you will know what to say the word Christ, in the language of God: LIBERATOR , LIBERTADOR .  Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jesús vino por primera vez como un mensajero de la paz y la salvación, y tiene su segunda venida como un libertador de su pueblo. Usted sabe que es un Simentera y nunca van a sufrir los dolores de la tierra, Jesús no fue identificado, dijo que su muerte en la cruz del Calvario A pesar de haber sido revelado por el apóstol Pedro, el nombre de Cristo antes de su muerte en la cruz del Calvario Jesús y le dice, sin previo aviso no era de carne y hueso revelor quiere, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. pediuele y no le digas a nadie! Antes de su muerte y resurrección. Antes se le llamaba, pero Jesús. El nombre de Jesucristo, lo que significa salvador! Libertador! Las palabras, salvador y redentor. muy ungido foro, pero sólo uno se convirtió en el Cristo. En el pasado, todo el mundo quiere tener el espíritu santo de Dios fue llamado el Ungido! Jesús también pasa por este proceso, pero después de su muerte y resurrección, Jesús se aparece y dice: Tengo todo el poder en el cielo y la tierra. Cuando Jesús se convirtió en el Cristo, la unción ahora, ja! Y dicen ungido? debido a que el sistema disminuye el nombre name. , Sólo el nombre de Jesús? desafío para la ciencia y la teología de la tierra, y las computadoras para demostrar lo contrario de todo esto la revelación
Mas detalhe
Haga clic en inicio para comenzar!

when the great tribulation begins

when the great tribulation begins? 24 Mates:
 15. When you see established in the holy place the abomination of desolation that was foretold by the prophet Daniel 9:27) - the reader understands well that is when the image is placed in the holy place in Jerusalem there begins the Great Tribulation. gave to bore you? On this site you will know what your image!
 16. then the inhabitants of Judea flee to the mountains.
 17. Who is not on the terrace of the house to take down what is in your home.
 18. And he that is in the field return to take his clothes.
 19. Woe to women who are pregnant or nursing babies in those days!
 20. Pray that your flight be not in winter or on Saturday;
 21. because then the tribulation will be so large as not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. 22. If those days were shortened, no creature would escape, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. On this site you will find the day.
 23. So if someone says: here is the Christ! Or, lo there!, I do not believe.
 24. For false Christs and false prophets, miracles are about to seduce, if possible, even the elect.
 25. Behold, ye are prevented.
 On this site you will know who they are, the false prophet. apariseu false christ! ). Christ is missing before the man of sin is in the land, will only act in their time, Tanba the two witnesses (Revelation 11), but only receive power when the man of sin before Christ begins to act, begins to great tribulation! click Start to begin

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011

Prophecies for 2017

Prophecies for 2017. The two witnesses. because it is necessary to call two prophets of God for the witness?
click Start to begin

                                                  SO SAYS THE LORD TO ALL LAND 
Revelation: End Times! Soon Christ God will speak this earth? Apart from 2017, shall be great tribulation on Earth are days never was! The moment Benedict XVI, be broken of their duties! There will be no more Pope and will stand the image of John Paul II for all to be Submitted, Worship, Who Do not Follow! This Scheme and Other No Access Commerce. The man of sin will act! THIS TIME! He will take refuge in Jerusalem to place that spiritually is called Sodom because He has no desire women, and Egypt ... Place of refuge! This is a spiritual revelation! It belongs not to the denominational system Puffy!) The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse Will Call Upon the Santa Pests That the man of sin begin to act, All! Denominational system will enter the Great Tribulation is a period of 1260 days! In this there will be great drought in the land, much of the water will be turned into blood is the blood, which, today, and in the past was spilled! Are worthy! After you kill the Two Testemanhas In Jerusalem! three days and half dead in the town square Santa, Here Compretou Time! Gentile 1260 days or 42 months! If those days had been shortened to save anyone Porcausa Of More choices these days were marked when these two prophets will Resurrect major earthquake in Jerusalem, and after this there Darkness Around the World, by a great period, and in the darkness A Great Aparecerar light, Avinda the Son of Man, one God and Savior Jesus Christ Liberator He will look for His people. and the man of sin Ante Christ is barred. GOD will do nothing Without Prior to reveal its secrets to His servants the prophets. It is not lawful Place Date of the coming of Christ God, All Rest assured that Jesus will come when the man of sin manifest.) I also want them Lenbra May; 
So Who Will not Participate in these tests, and the 144 000, 12 Ttribos The Children of Israel! Were elected by: GOD, Special Guest, first fruits to God, not defiled their faith with doctrine, however! Tagged To Celebrate: The Marriage of the Lamb. Brothers not to be trusted! In a study of Man, Look at the writings, Sacred. 
My name is José Vicente da Silva. 17 / 2 / 2011. 02:24.

first half 3 years and 6 months
When Benedict XVI deliver your luggage entirely, to the Vatican, will be starting a worldwide organization
of deception, initiated the first half of the 7 years during this peri udo, rapture happens first the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. and who listen Apocalypse 3: 10 had not gone through the great tribulation, and in the second rapture, when the two witnesses of Revelation, Ressuscitares. Complete the times of the Gentiles.
when the sun totally lose their luis at one peri-udo, long considered, will be the rapture of the saints, that is, the Church! back in the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, ONE GOD
all who believe in the dogma of the trinity santis up, entered by the grid-TRIBULATION want this dogma: it is against Christ. And now appeared the man of lawlessness in the casião Own
We, all of us, by this name, Jesus Christ. no matter the with-threads mexemo you die, he will raise you from the dead, He is above all and all, Jesus Christ is GOD WITH U.S. AMEM. last published on 16/02/2013, in Google.

The testimony, two witnesses Revelation 11, are things that the religious system can not UNDERSTAND. The faith of many that forum fooled by the dogma of Trinity santis up, put created: Pope of Rome, that give trina, DIS GOD WHAT ARE THREE PERSON OF TRINITY SANTIS CIMA comes over time, in order to substitute for CHRIST those who believe in this doctrine! betray a certain uneasiness, and manifestation of Spirit, WHEN ARE CALLING ATTENTION TO BELIEVE in one God, DOUBT AND THEY THINK is already in the mind long the truth of God. and here is put vai written, Thus saith the LORD, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, OF ISAAC, AND ISRAEL: Such people are not worthy to go up in the first rapture.

  because then the tribulation will be as great as has never been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.

If those days were shortened, no creature escape, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

So if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ! Or, Lo there!, Believe not.
Matthew 24:21-23

READ ACTS 19: 01-to 0 7). last published on 22/02/2013

prophecies, but recent.
It had been prophesied, On site, prophecies for 2017, Get ready, to be tested, When the man of lawlessness begins to act. Read second Thessalonians 2: 7 to effect the mystery of iniquity doth already work, and expects to be away only one who now holds it. LAST POPE BENEDICT XVI, WHICH, WANT, A SUBSTITUTE, THE MAN OF SERA INIQUITY! And be possessed.
the mystery of iniquity was always adoutrina Trinity, created in rome the pope, comes in the form of replacement of christ, Gee long.
you should also know the mystery of godliness, God SPIRIT, MAN SE faiths, TO SAVE, A SHALLOW, HUMAN.   last published on 03/ 03/ 2013.

domingo, 3 de julho de 2011

the two witnesses and the time of the Gentiles

The two witnesses Revelation 11. is necessary because God called two witnesses? It is because of spiritual blindness? axa that God would send two prophets to the earth, if things were going well! need prophets? The Church today that axa OK?. The system is full of prophets! these prophets are umgido by GOD?
  You pastor, DIS that the two witnesses of Revelation 11, is the Old and New Testaments, negating the need for protection of two anointed of God, I have to be hard? by what authority you speak these words?, you bought your eye drops?
  You axa would deceive God's people for how long? It Erse, and the other reason that God has prepared two prophets, dressed in jacket and tie? no! yes, they wear: dresses cloth bag, prepare the second coming of the Lord warns all Umana with signs and wonders, and I wonder watching read about the mistake, and succeed, then give then the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled during the great tribulation, because the system name dexol the minds of the people of God, confused, each telling a different conversation, because you're away from the path, then the prophecy says that should be tested in great tribulation). May the peace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our deliverer with PEOPLE.

Hosea 3:
4. For many days, the children of Israel will be without a king and without head, without sacrifice or monument, and without ephod teraphim.
5. After that the children of Israel will return to seek the Lord their God and David their king, and in recent days, shaking it aproximarção the Lord and his goodness.

(Revelation 3 - v 10)
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that is to befall the world, to prove the earth's inhabitants.) Gora see the situation of the Church, today. last period of the Church on earth. (Revelation 3: 14.) to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: Thus saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.

15. I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot!
16. But because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I spit te.17. For you say I am rich, I do good business, no need - and knowest not that thou art wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and nu.18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, to be rich, lily clothes for thy clothing, so that does not appear the shame of thy nakedness, and eye drops to anoint your eyes so that you can see claro.19 . I rebuke and chasten those I love. Cheers, because, your zeal and repent.
click on Start to begin ...

sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

The two witnesses Revelation 11

the two witnesses,
Jesus will return, When the Gentiles o'Tempo complete

Revelation 11 the two witnesses and the time of the Gentiles. The total time of the Gentiles after the Great Tribulation, when added 1260 days or 42 months, The Great Tribulation is just that: three and a half, or 42 months, 1260 days is the period that man of sin against Christ is acting with your regime before God. asseçoo Imagine that you just have to trade, is joining this scheme, will only buy food or turn on the water or your energy or put gas in your car ... now you have a pastor who lives with fresh water and related regalia Chad shadow shoe off. you pastors, will pass the test? the Apostles of Jesus Christ does not deny his name, Superior What is everyone and everything s in baptism, the bird for testing! and you? I learned that the great tribulation is a test to test all humanity peoples tribes and nations language, do you even know which side is that Jesus will not condemn you, will you stage your choices Proposal, salvation, damnation, and this trial is the time of the Gentiles. Matthew 24 v: 21 because then the tribulation will be so great to not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be.22. If those days were shortened, and NiGEM would be saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. What day? Now you know: 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months or 42 months, check to see: 23. So if someone says: here is the Christ! Or, lo there do not believe. See that this time Jesus warned.  Be happy for you, because God calls us to light and not darkness. the two witnesses of Revelation 11 will call the holy plague during the great tribulation when the man of sin against Christ begin to act. I'm not talking about the time of the Jews, why? already have: your time, forom elected by God, so expect the day of resurrection and fast. These revelations 
does not belong to the studies of men, philosophy, pedagogy and theology, nor a kind of religious Pitaco action.of  Qui is my testimony that these revelations are true fies to the end time. My name is José Vicente da Silva, 11/06/2011 Joao Pessoa, PB Brazil.

These prophecies revealed because the description of the system with all their theology and study: It is not possible to understand. (Rev. 03/19) As you say I am rich and full of knowledge, and no need of anything, and you know you're not reaping wretched, miserable, poor and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire to become rich, white robes to clothe you, so that does not manifest the shame of thy nakedness, and eye drops to anoint your eyes so you can see.) One comment on my part, deceit, adultery, trading, and lack of disclosure, really need eye drops. he showed me why it is necessary, the Great Tribulation? click Start to begin ...

segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

Daniel the end times and the two witnesses

Daniel 12: 7 TIME OF THE END Old Testament. Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was sworn into the river, raising to heaven his left hand and right hand, eternal life, which would be after a time and times and half a time when the strength of the people saint is completely destroyed, all these things.

you already know that one time, and time two times and half a time is 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months or 42 months. which is precisely the period of great tribulation, at the time of the Gentiles. see us capitol-7: 25 verses. Insults against the Most High, and will form the project to change times and laws: and the saints will be delivered to its power for a time, times and half a time. you already know that the man of sin is against Christ. Tanba you should know that the saints are Aqeles which is in Christ Jesus, but are subject to the laws of his country, a New World Order) those who entered the Antichrist regime, the names are not written since the world began in the book of life the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, but see a New Testament prophecy (Revelation 13: 5) was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power to continue forty and two months. see: 42 months This is the time of the Gentiles, is exactly the period of great tribulation, many will brother in Christ to Jerusalem, opposite phase: the abomination of desolation in the holy luga I speak of the prophet Daniel, Ai! is long (Revelation 11: 2) the words, when the image of the beast is placed in Jerusalem, where the great tribulation begins. what stage of the opposition are dead! but people will rise first be aware of God, why! need for these prophecies revealed beings?

6. Open, for his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his tent, and the inhabitants of heaven.
7. He was also given to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. WANT TO FAIL: GO ALL THE BELIEVER unbelievers in the same boat.
(Revelation 3:10) Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, what is happening in the world, to prove the inhabitants of terra.Se you're built on this basis, if you were baptized , the only name which is the name of all the sima, which is Jesus Christ, if you preach and live the same Evajelho Apostle preached that you can even get rid of the Great Tribulation that is coming to test all the inhabitants of the earth. But this difficult, because the churches are worldly (Revelation 7) shows only two numbers salvos.os 144,000 Jews who will not be tested in the Great Tribulation, and the Gentiles to be saved after the Great Tribulation
Acts 2: 37. When they heard these things, they were pricked in our hearts and asked Peter and other apostles: What shall we do?
38. Peter said unto them, Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39. For the promise is for you and your children and for all that are afar off, that is, as the Lord our God shall call.
40. Even with many other words exhorted them, saying, Save yourselves from this perverse generation!
4l Those who received his word were baptized. And on that day amounted to about three thousand the number of supporters.
42. Continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, the joint meeting, the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Revelation 11 disclosures for 2017


Revelation: End Times! Soon Christ God will speak this earth? Apart from 2017, shall be great tribulation on Earth are days never was! The moment Benedict XVI, be broken of their duties! There will be no more Pope and will stand the image of John Paul II for all to be Submitted, Worship, Who Do not Follow! This Scheme and Other No Access Commerce. The man of sin will act! THIS TIME! He will take refuge in Jerusalem to place that spiritually is called Sodom because He has no desire women, and Egypt ... Place of refuge! This is a spiritual revelation! It belongs not to the denominational system Puffy!) The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse Will Call Upon the Santa Pests That the man of sin begin to act, All! Denominational system will enter the Great Tribulation is a period of 1260 days! In this there will be great drought in the land, much of the water will be turned into blood is the blood, which, today, and in the past was spilled! Are worthy! After you kill the Two Testemanhas In Jerusalem! three days and half dead in the town square Santa, Here Compretou Time! Gentile 1260 days or 42 months! If those days had been shortened to save anyone Porcausa Of More choices these days were marked when these two prophets will Resurrect major earthquake in Jerusalem, and after this there Darkness Around the World, by a great period, and in the darkness A Great Aparecerar light, Avinda the Son of Man, one God and Savior Jesus Christ Liberator He will look for His people. and the man of sin Ante Christ is barred. GOD will do nothing Without Prior to reveal its secrets to His servants the prophets. It is not lawful Place Date of the coming of Christ God, All Rest assured that Jesus will come when the man of sin manifest.) I also want them Lenbra May; 
So Who Will not Participate in these tests, and the 144 000, 12 Ttribos The Children of Israel! Were elected by: GOD, Special Guest, first fruits to God, not defiled their faith with doctrine, however! Tagged To Celebrate: The Marriage of the Lamb. Brothers not to be trusted! In a study of Man, Look at the writings, Sacred. 
My name is José Vicente da Silva. 17 / 2 / 2011. 02:24.
first half 3 years and 6 months
When Benedict XVI deliver your luggage entirely, to the Vatican, will be starting a worldwide organization
of deception, initiated the first half of the 7 years during this peri udo, rapture happens first the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. and who listen Apocalypse 3: 10 had not gone through the great tribulation, and in the second rapture, when the two witnesses of Revelation, Ressuscitares, completing the time of the Gentiles.
when the sun totally lose their luis at one peri-udo, long considered, will be the rapture of the saints, that is, the Church! the return of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, ONE GOD.
all who believe in the dogma of the trinity santis-up, entered by the grid-TRIBULATION want this dogma: it is against Christ. And now appeared the man of lawlessness, put cer, Own occasion.
We, all of us, by this name, Jesus Christ. no matter the sequence with-mexemo you die, you resurrect from the dead, He is above all and all, Jesus Christ and God-Us, AMEN.
16/02/2013, No Google

The testimony, two witnesses Revelation 11, are things that the religious system can not UNDERSTAND. The faith of many that forum fooled by the dogma of Trinity santis up, put created: Pope of Rome, that give trina, DIS GOD WHAT ARE THREE PERSON OF TRINITY SANTIS CIMA comes over time, in order to substitute for CHRIST those who believe in this doctrine! betray a certain uneasiness, and manifestation of Spirit, WHEN ARE CALLING ATTENTION TO BELIEVE in one God, DOUBT AND THEY THINK is already in the mind long the truth of God. and here is put vai written, Thus saith the LORD, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, OF ISAAC, AND ISRAEL: Such people are not worthy to go up in the first rapture.

  because then the tribulation will be as great as has never been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.

If those days were shortened, no creature escape, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

So if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ! Or, Lo there!, Believe not.
Matthew 24:21-23

  READ ACTS 19: 01-to 0 7).  last published on 22/02/2013.

prophecies, but recent.
It had been prophesied, On site, prophecies for 2017, Get ready, to be tested, When the man of lawlessness begins to act. Read second Thessalonians 2: 7 to effect the mystery of iniquity doth already work, and expects to be away only one who now holds it. LAST POPE BENEDICT XVI, WHICH, WANT, A SUBSTITUTE, THE MAN OF SERA INIQUITY! And be possessed.
the mystery of iniquity was always adoutrina Trinity, created in rome the pope, comes in the form of replacement of christ, Gee long.
  you should also know the mystery of godliness, God SPIRIT, MAN SE faiths, TO SAVE, A SHALLOW, HUMAN.   last published on 03/ 03/ 2013.

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