segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

Daniel the end times and the two witnesses

Daniel 12: 7 TIME OF THE END Old Testament. Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was sworn into the river, raising to heaven his left hand and right hand, eternal life, which would be after a time and times and half a time when the strength of the people saint is completely destroyed, all these things.

you already know that one time, and time two times and half a time is 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months or 42 months. which is precisely the period of great tribulation, at the time of the Gentiles. see us capitol-7: 25 verses. Insults against the Most High, and will form the project to change times and laws: and the saints will be delivered to its power for a time, times and half a time. you already know that the man of sin is against Christ. Tanba you should know that the saints are Aqeles which is in Christ Jesus, but are subject to the laws of his country, a New World Order) those who entered the Antichrist regime, the names are not written since the world began in the book of life the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, but see a New Testament prophecy (Revelation 13: 5) was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power to continue forty and two months. see: 42 months This is the time of the Gentiles, is exactly the period of great tribulation, many will brother in Christ to Jerusalem, opposite phase: the abomination of desolation in the holy luga I speak of the prophet Daniel, Ai! is long (Revelation 11: 2) the words, when the image of the beast is placed in Jerusalem, where the great tribulation begins. what stage of the opposition are dead! but people will rise first be aware of God, why! need for these prophecies revealed beings?

6. Open, for his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his tent, and the inhabitants of heaven.
7. He was also given to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. WANT TO FAIL: GO ALL THE BELIEVER unbelievers in the same boat.
(Revelation 3:10) Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, what is happening in the world, to prove the inhabitants of terra.Se you're built on this basis, if you were baptized , the only name which is the name of all the sima, which is Jesus Christ, if you preach and live the same Evajelho Apostle preached that you can even get rid of the Great Tribulation that is coming to test all the inhabitants of the earth. But this difficult, because the churches are worldly (Revelation 7) shows only two numbers salvos.os 144,000 Jews who will not be tested in the Great Tribulation, and the Gentiles to be saved after the Great Tribulation
Acts 2: 37. When they heard these things, they were pricked in our hearts and asked Peter and other apostles: What shall we do?
38. Peter said unto them, Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39. For the promise is for you and your children and for all that are afar off, that is, as the Lord our God shall call.
40. Even with many other words exhorted them, saying, Save yourselves from this perverse generation!
4l Those who received his word were baptized. And on that day amounted to about three thousand the number of supporters.
42. Continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, the joint meeting, the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Revelation 11 disclosures for 2017


Revelation: End Times! Soon Christ God will speak this earth? Apart from 2017, shall be great tribulation on Earth are days never was! The moment Benedict XVI, be broken of their duties! There will be no more Pope and will stand the image of John Paul II for all to be Submitted, Worship, Who Do not Follow! This Scheme and Other No Access Commerce. The man of sin will act! THIS TIME! He will take refuge in Jerusalem to place that spiritually is called Sodom because He has no desire women, and Egypt ... Place of refuge! This is a spiritual revelation! It belongs not to the denominational system Puffy!) The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse Will Call Upon the Santa Pests That the man of sin begin to act, All! Denominational system will enter the Great Tribulation is a period of 1260 days! In this there will be great drought in the land, much of the water will be turned into blood is the blood, which, today, and in the past was spilled! Are worthy! After you kill the Two Testemanhas In Jerusalem! three days and half dead in the town square Santa, Here Compretou Time! Gentile 1260 days or 42 months! If those days had been shortened to save anyone Porcausa Of More choices these days were marked when these two prophets will Resurrect major earthquake in Jerusalem, and after this there Darkness Around the World, by a great period, and in the darkness A Great Aparecerar light, Avinda the Son of Man, one God and Savior Jesus Christ Liberator He will look for His people. and the man of sin Ante Christ is barred. GOD will do nothing Without Prior to reveal its secrets to His servants the prophets. It is not lawful Place Date of the coming of Christ God, All Rest assured that Jesus will come when the man of sin manifest.) I also want them Lenbra May; 
So Who Will not Participate in these tests, and the 144 000, 12 Ttribos The Children of Israel! Were elected by: GOD, Special Guest, first fruits to God, not defiled their faith with doctrine, however! Tagged To Celebrate: The Marriage of the Lamb. Brothers not to be trusted! In a study of Man, Look at the writings, Sacred. 
My name is José Vicente da Silva. 17 / 2 / 2011. 02:24.
first half 3 years and 6 months
When Benedict XVI deliver your luggage entirely, to the Vatican, will be starting a worldwide organization
of deception, initiated the first half of the 7 years during this peri udo, rapture happens first the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. and who listen Apocalypse 3: 10 had not gone through the great tribulation, and in the second rapture, when the two witnesses of Revelation, Ressuscitares, completing the time of the Gentiles.
when the sun totally lose their luis at one peri-udo, long considered, will be the rapture of the saints, that is, the Church! the return of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, ONE GOD.
all who believe in the dogma of the trinity santis-up, entered by the grid-TRIBULATION want this dogma: it is against Christ. And now appeared the man of lawlessness, put cer, Own occasion.
We, all of us, by this name, Jesus Christ. no matter the sequence with-mexemo you die, you resurrect from the dead, He is above all and all, Jesus Christ and God-Us, AMEN.
16/02/2013, No Google

The testimony, two witnesses Revelation 11, are things that the religious system can not UNDERSTAND. The faith of many that forum fooled by the dogma of Trinity santis up, put created: Pope of Rome, that give trina, DIS GOD WHAT ARE THREE PERSON OF TRINITY SANTIS CIMA comes over time, in order to substitute for CHRIST those who believe in this doctrine! betray a certain uneasiness, and manifestation of Spirit, WHEN ARE CALLING ATTENTION TO BELIEVE in one God, DOUBT AND THEY THINK is already in the mind long the truth of God. and here is put vai written, Thus saith the LORD, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, OF ISAAC, AND ISRAEL: Such people are not worthy to go up in the first rapture.

  because then the tribulation will be as great as has never been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.

If those days were shortened, no creature escape, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

So if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ! Or, Lo there!, Believe not.
Matthew 24:21-23

  READ ACTS 19: 01-to 0 7).  last published on 22/02/2013.

prophecies, but recent.
It had been prophesied, On site, prophecies for 2017, Get ready, to be tested, When the man of lawlessness begins to act. Read second Thessalonians 2: 7 to effect the mystery of iniquity doth already work, and expects to be away only one who now holds it. LAST POPE BENEDICT XVI, WHICH, WANT, A SUBSTITUTE, THE MAN OF SERA INIQUITY! And be possessed.
the mystery of iniquity was always adoutrina Trinity, created in rome the pope, comes in the form of replacement of christ, Gee long.
  you should also know the mystery of godliness, God SPIRIT, MAN SE faiths, TO SAVE, A SHALLOW, HUMAN.   last published on 03/ 03/ 2013.

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Beware of false prophecies and revelations

Pastors denies the existence of two witnesses of Revelation 11, which is already on earth! name because the system is poor and blind and naked, many use the Old and New Testament of the Bible for personal gain, and the two witnesses will testify, but because acomularo Deception and the Bible talks about it unless you are prepared to the Spirit of prophecy to reveal whether this is identical with the words that the pastor is written by saints and prophets Apóstulos, possaser you want to be deceived, but the two testemunas of Revelation 11,The two witnesses will alert all the land for the disappointment grows so low that it is Jesus Christ, and now arebatamento resurrection, the 12 tribes of the children of Israel, our people, the Gentiles. and rependemento to false preachers). the command that should be in the hearts and minds of the saints). False preachers coward who suck our people and denies the name of Jesus Christ in baptism, the only name which is above every name, to repent while you can). The Great Tribulation, the time of the Gentiles bouda Lamb, prophecy against the allure of BC ... but the system does not accept the prophets, because they do not belong to their groups, and contrary to his thinking, Jesus told the religious system of the day: What is your father not to kill the prophets and stones those who are sent, you will not enter and the door is in Pedini Those who want to enter! because you have the same spirit of those who kill the prophets!). po ISO is required: two witnesses anointed by God. yes I have to be hard!.
Pastores niega la existencia de dos testigos de Apocalipsis 11, que ya está en la tierra! nombre, porque el sistema es pobre, ciego y desnudo, muchos utilizan el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia para obtener beneficios personales, y los dos testigos pueden testificar, pero debido a engaño acomularo y la Biblia habla acerca de él a menos que usted esté preparado para el Espíritu de profecía para revelar si esto es idéntico a las palabras que el pastor ha sido escrito por santos y profetas Apóstulos, possaser que quieren ser engañados, pero los dos testemunas de Apocalipsis 11, los dos testigos de alerta toda la tierra de la decepción que crece éThey tan bajo que debe ser probado en la gran tribulación, y arebatamento ahora y pa la resurrección de los que se arrepienten, las 12 tribus de los hijos de Israel, nuestro pueblo, a los gentiles. y rependemento a los falsos predicadores). el comando que debe estar en los corazones y las mentes de los santos). Falsos predicadores cobarde que dejar a nuestro pueblo y niega el nombre de Jesús Cristo en el bautismo, el único nombre que es sobre todo nombre, para arrepentirse mientras pueda). La Gran Tribulación, el tiempo de los gentiles bouda Cordero, profecía contra el encanto de antes de Cristo ... pero el sistema no acepta los profetas, porque no pertenecen a su grupo, y contrario a su pensamiento, Jesús dijo que el sistema religioso del día: ¿Cuál es su padre de no matar a los profetas y apedrea a los que te son enviados no entrar y la puerta está en Pedini los que quieren entrar! porque tiene el mismo espíritu de aquellos que matan a los profetas!). po ISO se requiere: ungido por dos testigos. Dios, si tengo que ser duro! ..

todos los falsos profetas de nuestros días predica beneficioso Biblia solamente! y no predicar en contra de 

el pecado: por temor a que sus iglesias se vacían y no perder sus salarios

all false prophets of our day sun beneficial preaches the Bible! and does not preach against
sin: for fear that their churches become empty and not losing their wages

The true Church is the One who is in acts of apóstulos! When he began to stick to the day of Pentecost! Christians are all built on this foundation



Those Who Are Jesus said that the Day of Truth Telling You Go in your nomem did great wonders and you will say depart from me workers of iniquity. is that the people will be mundane? all false prophet is now in the sinuses of religion

all false prophets of our day is connected to the system name, Comécialisando the word of GOD! and say that all is well! do not even know that you are poor and naked blindness. are in need of eye drops to anoint your eyes so that you may see: the living word is born again! life abundant is eternal life! over the tithes, know ye not that ye are the temple of God when you walk in righteousness, and repent in time. who today is working great signs and wonders? who today comércialisa healing? several banks requesting account! to be deposited a certain amount! is for these reasons, therefore, that God shall send them strong delusion, giving credence to the lie to those who are judged

not believe the truth, but rather delighted in unrighteousness ... Last day and tell you sir! Sir! did wonders in his name! and will be told! you've got: your reward!
And you know the truth of the gospel itching ears.
  Who has ears to hear what the prophecy says Epírito the churches tithes turns, ye are the temple of God, when you walk in righteousness de Deus, you arrependimento_ is the time for forgiveness!) Who now works with signs and wonders? comércialisa divine healing in several banks requesting account! to be deposited a certain amount of money, why not choose to love the truth to be saved is for these reasons so that God shall send them strong delusion , giving credence to the lie to those who are judged
not believe the truth, but rather delighted in unrighteousness ... Last day and tell you sir, sir! did wonders in his name and you will say! receberos you already: his reward)

(Acts: 2) 42. They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer.
43. Of all these there came a fear, because the apostles were also performed many wonders and miracles in Jerusalem and the fear was in every heart.
44. All the believers were together and had everything in common.
45. They sold their property and their property, and shared by all of us, As the need for each.
46. United in heart all day attending the temple. They broke bread in homes and took their food with gladness and singleness of heart,
47. praising God and captivated the favor of all the people. And the Lord every day they gather others who were on the way to salvation. The denominational system is preaching this gospel?

I wonder? who enriched with the word, this preaching this gospel?
God is the mesimo yesterday today and forever.

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